Availability and Discounts: Before booking, we have other dates available and discount codes for each booking - contact us before booking.
Participant Requirements: This is a shared tour. We limit the group to a maximum of 2/3 bookings to ensure comfort for everyone. If you do not feel confident on a bicycle, contact us before booking to avoid inconvenience during the tour.
eBike Tour: Explore Cortona on an eBike, traversing cobbled streets and historic routes, discovering hidden gems and breathtaking views inspired by the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun."
Riding Comfort: Our eBikes offer powerful assistance, allowing you to enjoy the Tuscan countryside without the physical effort of a traditional bicycle. The tour is 3 hours long, about 12/14 km (9 miles) with a 300 m (900 feet) elevation change, which we always adapt based on our guests.
Other Destinations: Tours also available in the Val di Chiana, towards Montepulciano, and in Pienza.
Contact: ciao@epicbike.it